
文章目录 「隐藏」
  1. Transmission安装
  2. FlexGet安装
  3. 自动清理种子脚本
  4. 注意事项




wget http://github.itzmx.com/1265578519/transmission/master/2.84/transmissionbt.sh -O transmissionbt.sh sh transmissionbt.sh

1 2 wget http : //github.itzmx.com/1265578519/transmission/master/2.84/transmissionbt.sh -O transmissionbt.sh sh transmissionbt . sh



service transmissiond stop vi /home/transmission/.config/transmission/settings.json

1 2 service transmissiond stop vi / home / transmission / . config / transmission / settings . json

rpc-username 帐号

rpc-password 密码

rpc-port 端口

rpc-authentication-required 是否开启使用账号密码加密访问

preallocation 需要设置为0,这是这个办法中不会爆盘的关键。


service transmissiond start

1 service transmissiond start


service transmissiond stop rm -rf /home/transmission rm -rf /usr/share/transmission

1 2 3 service transmissiond stop rm - rf / home / transmission rm - rf / usr / share / transmission




yum install -y gcc make zlib zlib-devel readline-devel sqlite sqlite-devel openssl-devel mysql-devel gd-devel

1 yum install - y gcc make zlib zlib - devel readline - devel sqlite sqlite - devel openssl - devel mysql - devel gd - devel

安装 Python(一般的VPS系统都自带,有能力自行修改后面代码的可以不安装):

wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.13/Python-2.7.13.tgz tar zxf Python-2.7.13.tgz pushd Python-2.7.13 ./configure --prefix=/root/python && \ make && \ make install && \ ln -s /root/python/bin/python2.7 /usr/local/bin/python source ~/.bash_profile popd

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 wget https : //www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.13/Python-2.7.13.tgz tar zxf Python - 2.7.13.tgz pushd Python - 2.7.13 . / configure -- prefix = / root / python && \ make && \ make install && \ ln - s / root / python / bin / python2 . 7 / usr / local / bin / python source ~ / . bash_profile popd

安装 pip:

wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py --no-check-certificate /usr/local/bin/python get-pip.py ln -s /root/python/bin/pip /usr/local/bin/pip

1 2 3 wget https : //bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py --no-check-certificate / usr / local / bin / python get - pip . py ln - s / root / python / bin / pip / usr / local / bin / pip

安装 virtualenv:

/usr/local/bin/pip install virtualenv ln -s /root/python/bin/virtualenv /usr/local/bin/virtualenv

1 2 / usr / local / bin / pip install virtualenv ln - s / root / python / bin / virtualenv / usr / local / bin / virtualenv

安装 FlexGet:

cd /root/ virtualenv /root/flexget/ /root/flexget/bin/pip install flexget /root/flexget/bin/pip install transmissionrpc

1 2 3 4 cd / root / virtualenv / root / flexget / / root / flexget / bin / pip install flexget / root / flexget / bin / pip install transmissionrpc


vi /root/flexget/config.yml

1 vi / root / flexget / config . yml


tasks: mt: rss: https://tp.m-team.cc/torrentrss.php?https=1&rows=10&cat410=1&cat429=1&cat424=1&cat430=1&icat=1&isize=1&iuplder=1&linktype=dl&passkey=***** accept_all: yes content_size: min: 256 max: 3072 download: /home/transmission/torrent transmission: host: port: 9091 username: user password: password

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 tasks :    mt :      rss : https : //tp.m-team.cc/torrentrss.php?https=1&rows=10&cat410=1&cat429=1&cat424=1&cat430=1&icat=1&isize=1&iuplder=1&linktype=dl&passkey=*****      accept_all : yes      content_size :        min : 256        max : 3072      download : / home / transmission / torrent      transmission :        host :        port : 9091        username : user        password : password


clean_transmission: host: port: 9091 username: user password: password finished_for: 6 hours tracker: tp.m-team.cc delete_files: Yes free_space: path: /home/transmission/Downloads space: 3072

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11      clean_transmission :        host :        port : 9091        username : user        password : password        finished_for : 6 hours        tracker : tp . m - team . cc        delete_files : Yes            free_space :        path : / home / transmission / Downloads        space : 3072



mkdir /home/transmission/torrent

1 mkdir / home / transmission / torrent


/root/flexget/bin/flexget -c /root/flexget/config.yml execute

1 / root / flexget / bin / flexget - c / root / flexget / config . yml execute


crontab -e

1 crontab - e


*/5 * * * * /root/flexget/bin/flexget -c /root/flexget/config.yml execute

1 * / 5 * * * * / root / flexget / bin / flexget - c / root / flexget / config . yml execute





vi /root/trans_cleanup.sh

1 vi / root / trans_cleanup . sh


#! /bin/bash #==================================================================== # trans_cleanup.sh # # Copyright (c) 2011, WangYan <webmaster@wangyan.org> # All rights reserved. # Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.0. # # Monitor disk space, If the Over, delete some files. # # See: http://wangyan.org/blog/trans_cleanup.html # # V0.2, since 2012-10-29 #==================================================================== # The transmission remote login username USERNAME="username" # The transmission remote login password PASSWORD="password" # The transmission download dir DLDIR="/home/transmission/Downloads" # The maximum allowed disk (%) DISK_USED_MAX="90" # Enable auto shutdown support (Disable=0, Enable=1) ENABLE_AUTO_SHUTDOWN="0" # Log path settings LOG_PATH="/var/log/trans_cleanup.log" # Date time format setting DATA_TIME=$(date +"%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") #==================================================================== dist_check() { DISK_USED=`df -h $DLDIR | grep -v Mounted | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d '%' -f 1` DISK_OVER=`awk 'BEGIN{print('$DISK_USED'>'$DISK_USED_MAX')}'` } dist_check if [ "$DISK_OVER" = "1" ];then for i in `transmission-remote --auth $USERNAME:$PASSWORD -l | grep 100% | grep Done | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v ID` do [ "$i" -gt "0" ] && echo -n "$DATA_TIME [Done] " >> $LOG_PATH transmission-remote --auth $USERNAME:$PASSWORD -t $i --remove-and-delete >> $LOG_PATH 2>&1 [ "$i" -gt "0" ] && sleep 10 && dist_check [ "$DISK_OVER" = "0" ] && break done fi if [ "$DISK_OVER" = "1" ];then for ii in `transmission-remote --auth $USERNAME:$PASSWORD -l | grep Stopped | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v ID` do [ "$ii" -gt "0" ] && echo -n "$DATA_TIME [Stopped] " >> $LOG_PATH transmission-remote --auth $USERNAME:$PASSWORD -t $ii --remove-and-delete >> $LOG_PATH 2>&1 [ "$ii" -gt "0" ] && sleep 10 && dist_check [ "$DISK_OVER" = "0" ] && break done fi if [ "$DISK_OVER" = "1" ];then for iii in `transmission-remote --auth $USERNAME:$PASSWORD -l | grep -v Sum | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v ID` do [ "$iii" -gt "0" ] && echo -n "$DATA_TIME [Up or Down] " >> $LOG_PATH transmission-remote --auth $USERNAME:$PASSWORD -t $iii --remove-and-delete >> $LOG_PATH 2>&1 [ "$iii" -gt "0" ] && sleep 10 && dist_check [ "$DISK_OVER" = "0" ] && break done fi if [ "$DISK_OVER" = "1" ];then rm -rf $DLDIR/* fi if [ "$ENABLE_AUTO_SHUTDOWN" = "1" ];then SHUTDOWN=1 for STATUS in `transmission-remote --auth $USERNAME:$PASSWORD -l | awk '{print $9}'` do if [[ "$STATUS" = "Up" || "$STATUS" = "Uploading" ]];then SHUTDOWN=0 fi done TASK_TOTAL=`transmission-remote --auth $USERNAME:$PASSWORD -l | grep -Ev '(ID|Sum)' | wc -l` if [ "$TASK_TOTAL" -gt "0" ] && [ "$SHUTDOWN" -eq "1" ];then echo -n "$DATA_TIME " >> $LOG_PATH shutdown now >> $LOG_PATH 2>&1 fi fi

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 #! /bin/bash #==================================================================== # trans_cleanup.sh # # Copyright (c) 2011, WangYan <webmaster@wangyan.org> # All rights reserved. # Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.0. # # Monitor disk space, If the Over, delete some files. # # See: http://wangyan.org/blog/trans_cleanup.html # # V0.2, since 2012-10-29 #==================================================================== # The transmission remote login username USERNAME = "username" # The transmission remote login password PASSWORD = "password" # The transmission download dir DLDIR = "/home/transmission/Downloads" # The maximum allowed disk (%) DISK_USED_MAX = "90" # Enable auto shutdown support (Disable=0, Enable=1) ENABLE_AUTO_SHUTDOWN = "0" # Log path settings LOG_PATH = "/var/log/trans_cleanup.log" # Date time format setting DATA_TIME = $ ( date + "%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) #==================================================================== dist_check ( ) {      DISK_USED = ` df - h $ DLDIR | grep - v Mounted | awk '{print $5}' | cut - d '%' - f 1 `      DISK_OVER = ` awk 'BEGIN{print(' $ DISK _USED '>' $ DISK_USED _MAX ')}' ` } dist_check if [ "$DISK_OVER" = "1" ] ; then          for i in ` transmission - remote -- auth $ USERNAME : $ PASSWORD - l | grep 100 % | grep Done | awk '{print $1}' | grep - v ID `          do                  [ "$i" - gt "0" ] && echo - n "$DATA_TIME [Done] " >> $ LOG_PATH                  transmission - remote -- auth $ USERNAME : $ PASSWORD - t $ i -- remove - and - delete >> $ LOG _PATH 2 > & 1                  [ "$i" - gt "0" ] && sleep 10 && dist _check                  [ "$DISK_OVER" = "0" ] && break          done fi if [ "$DISK_OVER" = "1" ] ; then          for ii in ` transmission - remote -- auth $ USERNAME : $ PASSWORD - l | grep Stopped | awk '{print $1}' | grep - v ID `          do                  [ "$ii" - gt "0" ] && echo - n "$DATA_TIME [Stopped] " >> $ LOG_PATH                  transmission - remote -- auth $ USERNAME : $ PASSWORD - t $ ii -- remove - and - delete >> $ LOG _PATH 2 > & 1                  [ "$ii" - gt "0" ] && sleep 10 && dist _check                  [ "$DISK_OVER" = "0" ] && break          done fi if [ "$DISK_OVER" = "1" ] ; then          for iii in ` transmission - remote -- auth $ USERNAME : $ PASSWORD - l | grep - v Sum | awk '{print $1}' | grep - v ID `          do                  [ "$iii" - gt "0" ] && echo - n "$DATA_TIME [Up or Down] " >> $ LOG_PATH                  transmission - remote -- auth $ USERNAME : $ PASSWORD - t $ iii -- remove - and - delete >> $ LOG _PATH 2 > & 1                  [ "$iii" - gt "0" ] && sleep 10 && dist _check                  [ "$DISK_OVER" = "0" ] && break          done fi if [ "$DISK_OVER" = "1" ] ; then          rm - rf $ DLDIR / * fi if [ "$ENABLE_AUTO_SHUTDOWN" = "1" ] ; then          SHUTDOWN = 1          for STATUS in ` transmission - remote -- auth $ USERNAME : $ PASSWORD - l | awk '{print $9}' `          do                  if [ [ "$STATUS" = "Up" || "$STATUS" = "Uploading" ] ] ; then                          SHUTDOWN = 0                  fi          done          TASK_TOTAL = ` transmission - remote -- auth $ USERNAME : $ PASSWORD - l | grep - Ev '(ID|Sum)' | wc - l `          if [ "$TASK_TOTAL" - gt "0" ] && [ "$SHUTDOWN" - eq "1" ] ; then                  echo - n "$DATA_TIME " >> $ LOG_PATH                  shutdown now >> $ LOG _PATH 2 > & 1          fi fi


定时任务(crontab -e)中添加:

*/1 * * * * /bin/bash /root/trans_cleanup.sh

1 * / 1 * * * * / bin / bash / root / trans_cleanup . sh






4、如果重启后,transmission web ui无法连接,可能是centos默认的firewall防火墙的问题,关闭即可。

#停止firewall systemctl stop firewalld.service #禁止firewall开机启动 systemctl disable firewalld.service

1 2 3 4 #停止firewall systemctl stop firewalld . service #禁止firewall开机启动 systemctl disable firewalld . service


