



来源:https://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/comment/3233581/#Comment_3233581 Hello All , first of all i have to ask apologise for my absence so i will not explain way i have been absent here but i can asure everyone i have dedicate all my time in the last week to resolve this issue. so i will try to be more explicit i can because stay here to chat will consume my time in resolve the issue : In the day 12.05.2021 we have find 1 big storage netup down with+ 3000 clients involucrated in this so we have try to recuperate the data but unsucces. unfortunatly from 400 hdd of 12tb each we have recuperate like 50 until now. he big problem in this period is buy new hdd due of the shit coin chia because the price in new hardware is almost 3x more exensive than normal so i have dedicated all my time infind a solution to have new hdd as rapid i can to have the posibility to migrate the data from the affected hdd. What i think to do and hope is restablish the old service until the clients can migrate the data and offer a same service with 1 year for free to all clients involucrated in this (To note from all our services the issue is only in some storage plans , the rest is up an running so the compensation will be only for the clients from this Rack wich was fucked.) I have not connect here to ask merci because i dont need it , i have connect to update a little the problem as i have been driving 3 times the way oradea to bucharest in 1 week. We will came with a final decision Monday as i need 1 day for me because i am almost depressed due of this . Also we will offer full refound for the remain month service for the users who will ask for. EDIT : Like i have told always hostsolutions will not dissapper , is my life there , many hours inverted and this is not a plan to close. EDIT : Thanks all users from here who call me personally to offer his support. This mean much for me . EDIT : Monday will came with a full plan for pass this bad step. Thanks All , Marius

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 来源: https : //www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/comment/3233581/#Comment_3233581   Hello All ,   first of all i have to ask apologise for my absence so i will not explain way i have been absent here but i can asure everyone i have dedicate all my time in the last week to resolve this issue . so i will try to be more explicit i can because stay here to chat will consume my time in resolve the issue :   In the day 12.05.2021 we have find 1 big storage netup down with + 3000 clients involucrated in this so we have try to recuperate the data but unsucces .   unfortunatly from 400 hdd of 12tb each we have recuperate like 50 until now . he big problem in this period is buy new hdd due of the shit coin chia because the price in new hardware is almost 3x more exensive than normal so i have dedicated all my time infind a solution to have new hdd as rapid i can to have the posibility to migrate the data from the affected hdd .   What i think to do and hope is restablish the old service until the clients can migrate the data and offer a same service with 1 year for free to all clients involucrated in this ( To note from all our services the issue is only in some storage plans , the rest is up an running so the compensation will be only for the clients from this Rack wich was fucked . )   I have not connect here to ask merci because i dont need it , i have connect to update a little the problem as i have been driving 3 times the way oradea to bucharest in 1 week .   We will came with a final decision Monday as i need 1 day for me because i am almost depressed due of this .   Also we will offer full refound for the remain month service for the users who will ask for .   EDIT : Like i have told always hostsolutions will not dissapper , is my life there , many hours inverted and this is not a plan to close .   EDIT : Thanks all users from here who call me personally to offer his support . This mean much for me .   EDIT : Monday will came with a full plan for pass this bad step .   Thanks All , Marius


首先,抱歉!消失了这么久,是因为我在全力解决问题。 本次故障具体是,5月12号,有一个储存节点挂了,当场未能成功恢复数据,大约3000名客户受到影响。坏了400块12T硬盘,目前恢复了50块。由于Chia币挖矿的原因,硬盘价格比之前上涨3倍,所以无法第一时间买到硬盘。不过,已经在努力采购硬盘了。 目前的首要任务的是将旧服务器全部上线,以便客户迁移数据。所有受影响的客户将获得1年的同等套餐作为补偿。(仅限受到影响的客户,也就是部分大盘鸡客户) 发这个帖子不是找借口,而是告诉你们最新的进展,这周我已经在奥拉迪娅和布加勒斯特之间跑了3趟 Hostsolutions不会跑路,付出了太多,不忍放弃。 用户可以就剩余的时间退款。 具体的计划,下周一出来。本宝宝好累,都快抑郁了,给我一天时间缓缓。 爱你们 么么哒。

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 首先,抱歉!消失了这么久,是因为我在全力解决问题。 本次故障具体是, 512号,有一个储存节点挂了,当场未能成功恢复数据,大约 3000名客户受到影响。坏了 40012T硬盘,目前恢复了 50块。由于 Chia币挖矿的原因,硬盘价格比之前上涨 3倍,所以无法第一时间买到硬盘。不过,已经在努力采购硬盘了。 目前的首要任务的是将旧服务器全部上线,以便客户迁移数据。所有受影响的客户将获得 1年的同等套餐作为补偿。(仅限受到影响的客户,也就是部分大盘鸡客户) 发这个帖子不是找借口,而是告诉你们最新的进展,这周我已经在奥拉迪娅和布加勒斯特之间跑了 3Hostsolutions不会跑路,付出了太多,不忍放弃。 用户可以就剩余的时间退款。 具体的计划,下周一出来。本宝宝好累,都快抑郁了,给我一天时间缓缓。 爱你们 么么哒。



