#消息#Let’s Encrypt域名通配符免费SSL证书将于2月27日上线

Let’s Encrypt提供的域名免费SSL证书是目前使用最为广泛的,之所以被大家使用主要有两个原因:1、申请简单,第三方证书申请网站较多,人人都可以申请免费SSL证书;2、免费使用,虽然申请一次只有三个月的期限,但到期后可以重新申请。上次国外主机优惠在好消息!2018年1月Let’s Encrypt将开放通配符免费SSL证书申请文章中介绍过Let’s Encrypt将上线域名通配符免费SSL证书,但一月份都快过完了,为什么还没有上线呢?国外主机优惠今天打开了Let’s Encrypt官网查看了下,原来早在2017年12月7日就发布了消息,将于2018年2月27日上线Let’s Encrypt通配符免费SSL证书和免费ACME v2协议,在2018年1月4日已为ACME v2协议和通配符支持引入了公共测试API端口。

Let’s Encrypt免费SSL证书申请教程:

  • 申请方法1:FreeSSL.org免费TrustAsia/Let’s Encrypt SSL证书申请教程
  • 申请方法2:使用SSL For Free在线申请Let’s Encrypt免费SSL证书及续期
  • 申请方法3:使用ZeroSSL在线申请Let’s Encrypt免费SSL证书
  • 申请方法4:使用VPS申请Let’s Encrypt免费SSL证书及自动续期教程

虽然目前SSL证书已经普及了,但是真正免费的域名通配符SSL证书还是相对很少,国外主机优惠可以大胆预测在2018年2月27日Let’s Encrypt上线域名通配符免费SSL证书后,势必又会引起SSL证书届的重大变动,自然会造成SSL证书提供商家重新洗牌,对于像国外主机优惠这样的使用免费SSL证书的用户来说,是比较希望可以看到的场景。其实当前也有被大家熟知的名通配符免费SSL证书,那就是AlphaSSL“免费SLL证书”,虽然AlphaSSL可以申请免费通配符SSL证书,但并不是官方免费颁发的,而是通过其他非正规渠道进行颁发,存在被回收的风险,而且部分浏览器提示不安全。


  • 申请方法1:alpha.xsico.cn提供AlphaSSL泛域名免费SSL证书申请
  • 申请方法2:ASSL.SPACE提供AlphaSSL泛域名免费SSL证书申请 附申请教程
  • 申请方法3:实战申请AlphaSSL提供的泛域名免费SSL证书

关于Let’s Encrypt域名通配符免费SSL证书的最新公告,官方原版:

Wildcard Certificates Coming January 2018
Jul 6, 2017 • Josh Aas, ISRG Executive Director

Update, January 4, 2018

We introduced a public test API endpoint for the ACME v2 protocol and wildcard support on January 4, 2018. ACME v2 and wildcard support will be fully available on February 27, 2018.
Let’s Encrypt will begin issuing wildcard certificates in January of 2018. Wildcard certificates are a commonly requested feature and we understand that there are some use cases where they make HTTPS deployment easier. Our hope is that offering wildcards will help to accelerate the Web’s progress towards 100% HTTPS.

Let’s Encrypt is currently securing 47 million domains via our fully automated DV certificate issuance and management API. This has contributed heavily to the Web going from 40% to 58% encrypted page loads since Let’s Encrypt’s service became available in December 2015. If you’re excited about wildcard availability and our mission to get to a 100% encrypted Web, we ask that you contribute to our summer fundraising campaign.

A wildcard certificate can secure any number of subdomains of a base domain (e.g. *.example.com). This allows administrators to use a single certificate and key pair for a domain and all of its subdomains, which can make HTTPS deployment significantly easier.

Wildcard certificates will be offered free of charge via our upcoming ACME v2 API endpoint. We will initially only support base domain validation via DNS for wildcard certificates, but may explore additional validation options over time. We encourage people to ask any questions they might have about wildcard certificate support on our community forums.

We decided to announce this exciting development during our summer fundraising campaign because we are a nonprofit that exists thanks to the generous support of the community that uses our services. If you’d like to support a more secure and privacy-respecting Web, donate today!

We’d like to thank our community and our sponsors for making everything we’ve done possible. If your company or organization is able to sponsor Let’s Encrypt please email us at sponsor@letsencrypt.org.

Looking Forward to 2018
Dec 7, 2017 • Josh Aas, ISRG Executive DirectorLet’s Encrypt had a great year in 2017. We more than doubled the number of active (unexpired) certificates we service to 46 million, we just about tripled the number of unique domains we service to 61 million, and we did it all while maintaining a stellar security and compliance track record. Most importantly though, the Web went from 46% encrypted page loads to 67% according to statistics from Mozilla – a gain of 21 percentage points in a single year – incredible. We’re proud to have contributed to that, and we’d like to thank all of the other people and organizations who also worked hard to create a more secure and privacy-respecting Web.While we’re proud of what we accomplished in 2017, we are spending most of the final quarter of the year looking forward rather than back. As we wrap up our own planning process for 2018, I’d like to share some of our plans with you, including both the things we’re excited about and the challenges we’ll face. We’ll cover service growth, new features, infrastructure, and finances.Service Growth
We are planning to double the number of active certificates and unique domains we service in 2018, to 90 million and 120 million, respectively. This anticipated growth is due to continuing high expectations for HTTPS growth in general in 2018.

Let’s Encrypt helps to drive HTTPS adoption by offering a free, easy to use, and globally available option for obtaining the certificates required to enable HTTPS. HTTPS adoption on the Web took off at an unprecedented rate from the day Let’s Encrypt launched to the public.

One of the reasons Let’s Encrypt is so easy to use is that our community has done great work making client software that works well for a wide variety of platforms. We’d like to thank everyone involved in the development of over 60 client software options for Let’s Encrypt. We’re particularly excited that support for the ACME protocol and Let’s Encrypt is being added to the Apache httpd server.

Other organizations and communities are also doing great work to promote HTTPS adoption, and thus stimulate demand for our services. For example, browsers are starting to make their users more aware of the risks associated with unencrypted HTTP (e.g. Firefox, Chrome). Many hosting providers and CDNs are making it easier than ever for all of their customers to use HTTPS. Government agencies are waking up to the need for stronger security to protect constituents. The media community is working to Secure the News.

New Features
We’ve got some exciting features planned for 2018.

First, we’re planning to introduce an ACME v2 protocol API endpoint and support for wildcard certificates along with it. Wildcard certificates will be free and available globally just like our other certificates. We are planning to have a public test API endpoint up by January 4, and we’ve set a date for the full launch: Tuesday, February 27.

Later in 2018 we plan to introduce ECDSA root and intermediate certificates. ECDSA is generally considered to be the future of digital signature algorithms on the Web due to the fact that it is more efficient than RSA. Let’s Encrypt will currently sign ECDSA keys from subscribers, but we sign with the RSA key from one of our intermediate certificates. Once we have an ECDSA root and intermediates, our subscribers will be able to deploy certificate chains which are entirely ECDSA.

Our CA infrastructure is capable of issuing millions of certificates per day with multiple redundancy for stability and a wide variety of security safeguards, both physical and logical. Our infrastructure also generates and signs nearly 20 million OCSP responses daily, and serves those responses nearly 2 billion times per day. We expect issuance and OCSP numbers to double in 2018.

Our physical CA infrastructure currently occupies approximately 70 units of rack space, split between two datacenters, consisting primarily of compute servers, storage, HSMs, switches, and firewalls.

When we issue more certificates it puts the most stress on storage for our databases. We regularly invest in more and faster storage for our database servers, and that will continue in 2018.

We’ll need to add a few additional compute servers in 2018, and we’ll also start aging out hardware in 2018 for the first time since we launched. We’ll age out about ten 2u compute servers and replace them with new 1u servers, which will save space and be more energy efficient while providing better reliability and performance.

We’ll also add another infrastructure operations staff member, bringing that team to a total of six people. This is necessary in order to make sure we can keep up with demand while maintaining a high standard for security and compliance. Infrastructure operations staff are systems administrators responsible for building and maintaining all physical and logical CA infrastructure. The team also manages a 24/7/365 on-call schedule and they are primary participants in both security and compliance audits.

We pride ourselves on being an efficient organization. In 2018 Let’s Encrypt will secure a large portion of the Web with a budget of only $3.0M. For an overall increase in our budget of only 13%, we will be able to issue and service twice as many certificates as we did in 2017. We believe this represents an incredible value and that contributing to Let’s Encrypt is one of the most effective ways to help create a more secure and privacy-respecting Web.

Our 2018 fundraising efforts are off to a strong start with Platinum sponsorships from Mozilla, Akamai, OVH, Cisco, Google Chrome and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The Ford Foundation has renewed their grant to Let’s Encrypt as well. We are seeking additional sponsorship and grant assistance to meet our full needs for 2018.

We had originally budgeted $2.91M for 2017 but we’ll likely come in under budget for the year at around $2.65M. The difference between our 2017 expenses of $2.65M and the 2018 budget of $3.0M consists primarily of the additional infrastructure operations costs previously mentioned.

Support Let’s Encrypt
We depend on contributions from our community of users and supporters in order to provide our services. If your company or organization would like to sponsor Let’s Encrypt please email us at sponsor@letsencrypt.org. We ask that you make an individual contribution if it is within your means.

We’re grateful for the industry and community support that we receive, and we look forward to continuing to create a more secure and privacy-respecting Web!

《#消息#Let’s Encrypt域名通配符免费SSL证书将于2月27日上线》留言数:0
